The 5 best apps for Good Friday

Alexander Reed

Alexander Reed

Published on October 10, 2023

Good Friday, marking the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, is a pivotal day for Christians, embodying themes of sacrifice and redemption. As digital technology becomes ubiquitous, it intersects with this traditional observance, offering apps that enhance reflection and understanding. These applications, ranging from guided meditations to scripture readings and virtual services, are designed to deepen the Good Friday experience. This article will explore the top five apps, showcasing how they serve both devout followers and those seeking to comprehend the day's significance. By leveraging technology, these tools make the solemnity of Good Friday accessible, bridging ancient tradition with modern practices and providing a platform for engaged observance and reflection, regardless of physical location.

Instagram app main image


Photo and video sharing apps




Starting our countdown at number five, we have Instagram, a behemoth in the social media landscape. Launched in 2010, Instagram quickly became the go-to platform for sharing life's moments through photos and videos. But it's not just about food pics and selfies; Instagram has evolved into a vibrant community hub. For Good Friday, it's a treasure trove of spiritual content. From live sermons to reflective stories shared by people around the globe, Instagram brings the global Christian community closer. It's a space where you can witness the diverse ways Good Friday is observed worldwide, making it a unique tool for connecting faith across borders.

Headspace app main image


Meditation and mindfulness apps




Next at number four, we find Headspace, a leader in the digital meditation world. Founded in 2010, Headspace started as an events company before pivoting to the app we know today. It’s not specifically designed for Good Friday but holds a special place for those seeking peace and reflection. With guided meditations focusing on themes of forgiveness and compassion, Headspace offers a sanctuary for those looking to deepen their spiritual practice on this solemn day. Its inclusion underscores the modern approach to observing traditional moments of faith, blending ancient practice with contemporary mindfulness.

Microsoft teams app main image
Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams

Video Meetings apps


Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams, our number three pick, became a household name almost overnight. Launched in 2013, this video conferencing tool became indispensable during the COVID-19 pandemic, connecting work, family and yes, faith communities. For Good Friday, Microsoft Teams offers a unique opportunity to participate in church services, prayer groups and discussions from anywhere in the world. It's about maintaining community and shared worship, even when physical presence is impossible. The ability to interact with fellow believers adds a personal touch to digital observance, making Microsoft Teams a critical app for Good Friday.

Spotify app main image


Streaming services apps




At number two, Spotify swings in with its vast library of music and podcasts. Since its launch in 2008, Spotify has changed how we discover and listen to music. For Good Friday, it serves as a gateway to an array of spiritual music, from traditional hymns to contemporary worship songs that resonate with the themes of sacrifice and redemption. Playlists curated specifically for Good Friday can guide listeners through a musical journey reflecting the day's solemnity and significance. Spotify proves that music is a universal language, capable of touching souls as well as elevating the spirit on such a profound day.

Youversion bible app app main image
YouVersion Bible App

YouVersion Bible App

E-book & e-reader apps


YouVersion Bible App

YouVersion Bible

Topping our list at number one, the YouVersion Bible App is an indispensable companion for Christians worldwide. Launched in 2008 by Life.Church, YouVersion has revolutionized access to the Bible, offering it in over 1,300 languages. For Good Friday, it becomes even more invaluable. The app features reading plans and devotionals specifically designed for the day, facilitating a deep dive into the scripture related to Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. It's the digital space where faith meets technology, allowing users to reflect, learn and grow in their understanding of this sacred day. YouVersion's ability to connect users with the Word of God anytime, anywhere, cements its place as the top app for Good Friday celebrations.

Good Friday's Catch: Why Fish Reigns Supreme

On Good Friday, a tapestry of tradition and faith weaves through the choices on our dinner plates, emphasizing fish as the preferred dish over meat. This culinary custom runs deep in Christian observance, mirroring the profound sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It's said that on this solemn day, Jesus offered up his flesh for humanity's redemption. In homage to this ultimate act of love and sacrifice, Christians around the world abstain from meaty flesh, turning to the sea for sustenance instead. Fish, perceived as a distinctly different kind of flesh, becomes the favored fare, aligning with the practice of abstaining as a form of reverence and reflection.


This tradition isn't just about dietary preferences; it's a symbolic gesture, a physical manifestation of spiritual contemplation. The choice of fish over meat connects believers to the events of Good Friday, fostering a tangible link to the past and a shared expression of faith in the present. It's a day when the faithful are reminded of sacrifice and salvation, with every bite of fish serving as a reminder of the profound narratives that shape the Christian faith.


Amidst this backdrop of tradition and symbolism, technology lends a hand in preserving and passing down these customs. Pinterest, a modern haven for culinary exploration, offers endless inspiration for observing this age-old practice. Whether it's a recipe for a classic fish pie or innovative seafood creations, Pinterest bridges the gap between historical observance and contemporary practice. It's here that the old and the new converge, allowing a centuries-old tradition to flourish in the digital age. This Good Friday, as we reflect on sacrifice and redemption, let's also celebrate the ways in which technology like Pinterest helps keep these meaningful traditions alive and well, inviting us to explore the depths of our faith with every scroll and click.


As we conclude this journey through the digital companions that can enrich our Good Friday observance, it's clear that technology offers a bridge between ancient tradition and modern practice. From the reflective tunes of Spotify to the sacred scriptures on YouVersion, each app brings a unique dimension to our experience of this holy day. They remind us that even in a world where technology reigns supreme, the essence of our spiritual practices can not only survive but thrive, connecting us across miles and generations with the tap of a screen.

Personal Recommendation

On a personal note, while each app on this list holds its special place in the fabric of Good Friday observance, Headspace stands out to me as a beacon of tranquility in the often chaotic world we navigate. Its guided meditations offer a rare moment of peace and introspection, a chance to truly reflect on the profound sacrifices we commemorate. In the rush of daily life, Headspace provides an oasis of calm, helping me to center my thoughts and prepare my heart for the deep reflections of Good Friday. It's more than just an app; it's a companion on my journey towards a more mindful and spiritually connected life.

Alexander Reed

Alexander Reed

Verified Reviewer

Verified Reviewer

Alexander Reed has always been drawn to cybersecurity and data and made his living out of writing about these topics. His favorite apps are Robinhood and Otter AI.

Writer for since October 2023

Alexander Reed

Alexander Reed

Verified Reviewer

Verified Reviewer

Alexander Reed has always been drawn to cybersecurity and data and made his living out of writing about these topics. His favorite apps are Robinhood and Otter AI.

Writer for Best of Apps since October 10, 2023


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